A Man in Island

Once upon a time, my female friend said, “Gak melulu cowo yang harus bilang suka duluan, sekarang jamannya cewe boleh nyatain duluan.” (Now girls can say love first!) She then shared her experience when she became the first person who said love. This insight successfully encouraged me to go to the nearest post office, grab a postcard then write what I want to say to a man in island. Alright. A man in island. I thought this is the time to let him know about how I feel after all this time. But, wait, is this what I want to do? Really? If he knows about my feeling, then what? What if he doesn’t feel the same? What if he gets plain and stops talking to me? I was overthinking. Unhappy thoughts were dancing in my head. When writing, my hand froze several times. It was a windy afternoon when I stepped out of the post office. My heart beat fast. Hesitance hit me again. I wanted him to know about how I felt, for sure. I wanted him to know that I’m always here whenever he needs me. But,...