
Showing posts from April, 2013


I like watching movies. Some movies are so touching that involves your feeling and sometimes make you cry. Other movies have good conversation that gives you another way to see something. Sometimes you make it into quotes that bring something meaningful in living your own life. This is one of epilogue from movie He's Just Not That Into You. Maybe you should read. Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up: If a guy punches you, he likes you Never try to trim your own bangs And someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending Every movie we see, every story we're told , implores us to wait for it The third act twist: The unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending, we don't learn how to read the signs How to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don't The ones who will stay from the ones who will leave And maybe this happy ending doesn't incl


Namanya Rachmat Dardiansyah. Sahabat gue sejak SMA. Entah nyokapnya ngidam apa sampe anaknya berwujud ajaib ngalahin peralatannya Doraemon. Makhluk ajaib ini punya banyak panggilan seperti mamet, metski, sobat, sobih, sobpen, jek, jo, dan entah apa lagi. Gue biasa manggil Mamet. Awal Desember beliau (karena udah tua) ulang tahun dan gue pengen sekali-kali ngasih sesuatu yang bermanfaat. Karena beliau sibuk layaknya artis dangdut keliling kampung, gue kepikiran ngasih sebuah agenda. Supaya beliau gak kelupaan sama hal-hal kecil juga mimpi-mimpi besarnya. Sempet bingung mau bungkus agenda pake apa. Kalo langsung bungkus kertas kado kayanya kurang rapi. Lalu mata gue tertuju pada sebuah box pempek di atas meja. Saat gue coba taro agenda itu ke dalam box, pas banget. Oke, bungkus! Mamet kuliah di sebuah kota sangat gaul bernama Bandung. Ralat, Jatinangor. Karena kesibukan kedua belah pihak bikin kita susah ketemu, gue menitipkan kado untuk Mamet kepada salah satu sahabat yang sama sama