I'm official “kepala tiga”! It is exciting and scary at the same time. Responsibility is getting bigger, while our energy is getting more limited. But, most of all, I was so grateful and happy to spend my special day vacation with close friends, surrounded by people I love and love me too. Ok, as usual, I want to share some points that sum up my life in the past year. IT IS NOT advice, wisdom, or life hacks, just a note of what I have been going through, so I can remember what it’s like on the way to 30. Here it is. 1. Black dress never goes wrong. 2. Fine dining always makes me delightfully fine. 3. Ask our best friend once in a lifetime: Mau kado apa? It is very fulfilling. 4. "Setiap manusia di dunia. Pasti punya kesalahan. Tapi hanya yang pemberani. Yang mau mengakui." – Sherina 5. Yep, the hardest pa...