
Showing posts from February, 2020

2019: Finding the Wisdom

It took so long for me to write a reflection on 2019. It's the second month already, but who cares? Haha. So, how was it? I can say it was a year full of learning, diving into a deeper meaning of solitude, self-esteem, compassion, and empathy. 1. New level of caring 2019 was a continuation of my healing journey. I kept learning new things while taking notes of wisdom lies in every phase which might be valuable for me to face similar life problems in the future. The process took endless observation, contemplation, and self-internalization involving the art of ups and downs. The first precious lesson was how to start caring again, especially for those closest to me. Back then, I was apathetic to what was happening around me. It felt like my head was densely filled with bad fat clouds making me difficult to pay attention to people as a result. The enlightenment came from a co-worker I look up to, from whom I learn a lot until today. She is the first child of five. Besides a