
Showing posts from 2021

Recovery Journey

Tulisan ini sebagai pengingat bahwa selain patah hati karena cinta, gua pernah ngerasa down karena pemulihan pasca-Covid. Awal Juli, gua dan ortu kena Covid. Waktu itu lagi second wave di Indonesia. Hampir semua faskes penuh. Syukurnya kami cuma gejala ringan, jadi cukup isolasi mandiri (isoman) di rumah selama dua minggu. Gejala gua saat itu tenggorokan ga enak (tapi ga batuk), pilek ringan (meler ingus cair, bukan kental), anosmia, dan gejala paling aneh buat gua adalah badan lesu. Badan tuh kaya ga ada tenaga sama sekali, tapi anehnya ga ada pusing, panas, ataupun demam. Rasanya kaya ketimpa gajah, jadi maunya nempel kasur aja. I’ve never experienced this before. Walau bukan gejala berat, gua tetep konsul ke dokter, saat itu via aplikasi Halodoc. Kata dokter, kondisi gua masih oke, jadi belum perlu obat. Resep yang dikasih pun mostly vitamin, cuma ada satu obat buat pileknya. Selama isoman, gua off lari dulu. Olahraga gua cuma yoga ringan 20-30 menit tiap sore. Setelah d

Apology and Forgiveness

“What if I’m not survived?” This thought constantly lingered on my mind when I did a self-isolation at home. I got positive for COVID-19 in early July—when the second wave hit Indonesia horribly. It was such a roller coaster condition, emotionally. My parents had it first but thanks to complete doses of the vaccine, we only had mild symptoms. My mind was wandering to every corner of possibility, including the thought of me not being survived, and left me with no chance to apologize to people whom I did wrong in the past. I knew I will be fine and recover soon but I couldn’t lie that I’m afraid at that time. What if I suddenly have a hard breathing and then die? I realize that besides taking medication and doing self-isolation, the psychology of the patient is an important aspect to prepare for, because when it happens (got COVID-19), it was mentally exhausting to some extent. One of the people I feel guilty about is my ex from college. And I know the universe has set up something

Tiga Digit

“Kalo dia mah (investasinya) udah tiga digit.” ucap Kinan pada teman kami pada suatu hari empat tahun lalu. Saat itu gua nge- freeze sambil mikir dalam hati, Wait, wait, wait… tiga digit maksudnya SERATUS JUTA? Hah, tabungannya udah sebanyak itu? Kok bisa? Ke mana aja gua??? Inilah kalimat yang jadi titik balik di hidup gua untuk mulai bebenah keuangan. Ya, empat tahun lalu, gua akui gua belum melek finansial. Saat itu gua sedang bekerja di pelosok, sedangkan teman yang udah punya aset tiga digit ini bekerja di ibukota. Sempet mikir, apa karena kerja di Jakarta ya, gajinya pasti lebih tinggi. Tapi, ternyata bukan itu. Pengetahuan dan kemampuan mengelola keuangan adalah hal mutlak. Gaji besar bisa saja habis dalam sekejap kalo gak dibarengi sama ilmu yang mumpuni. 2015, jaman YOLO tapi literasi keuangan ZERO Oke, jadi gua mau berbagi cerita perjalanan membenahi keuangan, sekaligus update perkembangan investasi yang pernah gua ceritain di sini: 3 Investasi untuk Anak Muda . Disclaime


Twenty-nine! One last year to thirties. First, the pandemic still happens. Second, I realize listing 29 things or lessons is just too many. I might consider cutting it next year. 1. Do not take health for granted. Take care of your body while you are healthy. 2. Do not take for granted, anything and anyone. 3. Sleep is underrated. Please get enough sleep, 7 to 8 hours per day. 4. Drink enough water, eat fruits and veggies, do a regular workout, and go vaccinated. 5. DECLUTTER everything: stuff, minds, people. 6. Before buying an item, go check the preloved first. There are many preloved items of good quality out there. 7. JANGAN BARBAR. Save as much as you can, then invest it. 8. But, first, learn the products carefully. 9. And do invest in your brain, too. 10. Make a priority. We’re not here to please all people. 11. There are always some people who cannot accept who we are, let them be. 12. Circles are getting smaller in quantity, but richer in quality. 13.

Old Soul

Kinan, my best friend, told me about her experience. A friend of ours was going to study abroad. Kinan gave him something as a gift (Kinan is a very kind woman!) and sent it with a same-day delivery service to his home. A couple of hours later, no updates from him if the package has safely arrived. Kinan opened Instagram just for regular checks. There was a notification in her DM, a friend tagged her on a story. And it was him, with a picture of the gift from Kinan. He didn’t tell Kinan directly such as via WhatsApp chat or call and chose to post it on social media instead. Kinan felt a bit pissed. If I were her, I might feel the same. But I see that there is nothing wrong with that. Kinan and our friend just have different ways of communicating, perspectives, and values. Kinan’s story reminds me of something, I dislike getting friends’ updates through third parties like Instagram, since a long time ago. I once wrote about this back in 2019, you can read it here . In that post, I fel

The Art of Friendship - Amrie

Pas kuliah banyak temen, tapi abis lulus makin berkurang? Banyak. Pas kuliah ga deket, tapi abis lulus malah akrab? Mungkin ada, tapi sepertinya langka. Setelah lulus kuliah, kita mulai sibuk cari kerja, dan satu hal yang ga dipungkiri: lingkar pertemanan kian mengecil. Biasanya hanya berhubungan dengan yang deket-deket aja. Itupun bisa dihitung jari. Inilah yang terjadi pada saya dan salah satu senior di kampus. Dulu kami hanya sekedar “tahu” karena circle kami beririsan. Biasanya ketemu saat acara-acara fakultas. Dulu saya melihat dia sebagai sosok yang pendiam, misterius, dan pintar. Cocok buat dijadikan panutan. Kalo sekarang? :))) Just enjoy the story. Pertemanan kami bisa dibilang cukup unik. Semua berawal dari chat sederhana 5 tahun lalu, “Amrie. Ini Gita. Abis lebaran ada agenda traveling?” Ya, waktu itu saya ambil cuti cukup panjang untuk libur lebaran tapi ga ada agenda khusus. Bosan juga di rumah , pikir saya. Lalu, saya iseng chat teman-teman, dan nama Amrie ada di u

I lost my words

"Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold." - Zelda Fitzgerald  

Run Baby Run

There are days when my body feels fit, and I can run following the beat There are days when there are many on my plate, and the routine is skipped with regret There are days when I can run a little longer, a little further, a little faster There are days when the runner's high hit, and I cannot stop my feet There are days when rain suddenly comes then I got sick for a week There are days when the sky is so clear, yet the wind has no fear There are days when friends can join in, but mostly the playlist and I are playin’ There are days when giving up is the easiest way, but endurance takes over straightaway   I just realize I have been going through a lot From the days with the most intended one, to the days I just go run Perseverance, resilience, and determination are gained over time Running itself is a journey, to know how we feel about our body To listen and thrive physically and mentally To connect with nature and the place we live in To celebrate lif

Malaikat Tak Bersayap

Ketika patah hati, setiap orang punya coping mechanism (mekanisme bertahan) atau cara pengendalian yang berbeda-beda. Sebuah penelitian menyebutkan lima cara yang umum dilakukan orang Inggris Raya ketika patah hati adalah ngobrol dengan teman (37%), minum alkohol (30%), tidak melakukan apa-apa (21%), makan lebih banyak (12%), dan berbicara dengan orang tua (12%)*.  Saya? Sepertinya masuk ke dalam kaum rebahan alias tidak melakukan apa-apa. Tapi ada satu kebiasaan yang saya amati ketika lagi ngerasa sedih: Saya cenderung menarik diri dari pergaulan, misalnya off dari media sosial dan tidak mau ngobrol dengan siapapun, bahkan teman dekat sekalipun. Ini terjadi ketika saya lagi ngerasa super sedih sampai rasanya ga ada tenaga untuk bersosialisasi, salah satunya waktu patah hati terbesar akhir 2017. November 2020, saya nonaktifkan akun utama di Instagram (lagi). Ya, saat itu ada kabar yang tanpa disadari bikin saya sedih sehingga saya putuskan untuk berjeda dulu dari media sosial. Te

Life Goes On

Your eyes say it all Like a lover waiting for a call We spark like a firework in the sky Beautiful, warm, and flies high I forget that anything can happen No matter how strong our connection fasten All the sweet days turned into a reminder We ever celebrated this world together May time heal any wounds And let go of all disappointment I promise to keep moving forward Though every fighter knows it's hard But, as my idol said, That life goes on So, let's live on! Bekasi, 8 Jan 2021

2020: Stay Alive

“Kalender 2020: Januari, Februari, Pandemi, Desember.” @Fahrrur_ on Twitter That tweet is funny yet quite precise to describe how time flies so fast in 2020, a year when the COVID-19 pandemic began. And I could say it’s probably true. It’s the new year already. Thus, I want to leave notes on how I went through 2020.   1.        Stay alive I used to think that we, as human beings, must do better than the previous year, and must achieve more and more in life. The pandemic struck and changed the way I perceive life. It’s a bit hard to sum up this year into one conclusion; Are we doing better? Doing worse? Or going nowhere? Well, 2020 had its ups and downs, a year of uncertainty and absurdity. All we got to do was save ourselves first. Thus, I decided to direct myself to do only one thing in this crazy year: Survive . I put aside the definitions of so-called “improvement”, “achievement”, "resolution", you name it, and just keep in mind to stay healthy, both physically and