Do Not Force (Detachment Part 2)

When you practice self-love, you realize your happiness is your top priority. You put yourself first then things will be different. “Detachment doesn’t mean not caring. It’s taking care of yourself first and letting others take responsibility for their actions without trying to save or punish them.” – Pinterest. This is the second lesson I’d like to talk about: Don’t force the situation.

Shit happens, including in relationships. A moment when your inner circle doesn't invite you to movie time. A moment when your best friend is getting far because s/he spends most of the weekends with his/her lover. A moment when you need to talk to your ex but s/he avoids you and remains silent. A moment when you are slightly forgotten or left. I know it hurts, dear. The truth can be ugly sometimes. But, that’s the truth. Nothing more valuable than a plate of truth on your table. Now it is your turn to define a response.

This kind of situation made me upset in the past. I blamed them at first and kept asking why, until I found beautiful words by Dalai Lama, “We often add to our pain and suffering by being overly sensitive, over-reacting to minor things, and sometimes taking things too personally.” WOW. Nailed it. I tried to not take things personally then my burdens faded away slowly. We should remember that if it’s not meant to be, it’s not meant to be. No need to push the situation or the person because solutions will show themselves. No need to feel peevish or mad because it's not their mistakes, nor us.

The journey to reach a calm mind is not easy. I was not successful in one night. Just keep repeating in head that it’s not a bad thing and you don’t actually lose anything. Yes, we lose nothing. Keeping busy with things that attract you and fulfill your passion is faaar better and more useful for your life.

Sometimes I’m afraid of losing friends or the one I love until I realize we will walk alone until the end of this path. The real one will stay. The universe will lead the way.


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